Dead Language

Dead Language

'Hero' was killed along side his buddy 'Democracy.' Sadly, they will be remembered in death for how they were used and not what they stood for.


Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs

And what a wonderful ally Syria is to the United States of America. What other ally does this nation have in the world, that would be so forgiving when it comes to the constant criticism of allowing terrorists to enter Iraq across their shared border. As any country worthy of client-state status knows when to accept such criticism as constructive, and when to heed the call of the lone super power. Of course in these types of relationships, there are always favors that client-states must fulfill.


Wrong Number

Wrong Number

Screw the 4th Amendment. It wasn't like you were using it anyway. Thank you King George for setting the country straight on your absolute powers as president. Where do people get off talking about balance of power between the legislative, judiciary and executive branches of the government.

I wonder which amendment his absolute powers will deem null and void next? The 22nd Amendment? Or the 2nd Amendment? Pretend you are King George, which amendment do you get rid of next?

Torture Amended

Torture Amended

There is no finer way to prevent the use of torture than with a legal hoophole big enough to drive an "enemy combatant" through. It makes me so proud to be a Republican.

Just kidding. I'm not a Republican. But I have pondered the idea of registering as a Republican and not because I support the party agenda. What better way to stand in opposition to this president than from inside the confines of his own party. Imagine, if more people like me registered as Republicans we could reek havoc upon exit polling and the party message by voting against the party line.


A Letter of Resignation

December 26, 2005

Re: "War" on Christmas

Rupert Murdoch
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
News Corp
1211 Avenue of Americas
8th Floor
New York, NY, 10036
Phone: 212-852-7000

Roger Ailes
Chairman and CEO
FOX News
1211 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
Phone: 212-556-2500
Fax: 212-301-8588

Dear Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes:

Subject: My Letter of Resignation

As you gentlemen know, I am a principled journalist who has always believed that my personal integrity is what makes me so admired by my fans and has been responsible for the continued success of FOX News. It is because of my high standards and personal integrity that I now find myself in my current predicament.

There is no way to spin what I must do, therefore, it is with great sadness that I Bill "Jesus" O’Reilly tender my resignation with FOX News and its parent corporation, News Corp. It has come to my attention that as I waged my personal "war" to save Christmas from the secularists that FOX News and News Corp was under cutting my battlefield victories by appeasing the enemy.

As a devout Catholic, and a believer in the sanctity of Christmas, I can no longer associate myself with those that continue to employ the secularist greeting of "Happy Holidays." On the FOX Fans web-pages, my fans find themselves confronting the very bigotry and Christmas bashing that companies like Target and Walmart employed until I, Jesus O’Reilly brought them to their corporate senses. (I am sure you gentlemen are aware of the power I command to weaken large corporations as well as the nation of France by opining the simplest of sentences. Factor fans know and can attest to my greatness.)

Of course, I went to great lengths to win the "war" on Christmas, going as far as making up stories. And what did I receive in return for my efforts? The company that I helped build into the empire it is today repays my efforts by selling "Holiday" Factor gear to my adoring fans. If not for those damned liberal bloggers who hate me as much as they hate George Bush, your traitorous actions might have gone undetected.

Of course, it doesn’t end there. No. Come to find out that FOX News spent a portion of one weekday afternoon show introducing the insignificant people that work behind the scenes at FOX News. Surely a company that puts out talking points for the anchors to acknowledge on a daily basis would have instructed all those employees that spoke on camera to use the Jesus O’Reilly approved "Merry Christmas" and refrain from using the secularist words "Happy Holidays." After all the blood, sweat and tears that I have shed, this is the thanks I receive.

The straw that broke my back was when I learned that the Republican National Committee (that FOX News supports) web-page did not offer visiting Jesus O’Reilly fans a Merry Christmas. No. I am saddened to report (and this will be the last news I report for your company) that the GOP's home web-page offered those that visited…"Happy Holidays."

Clearly Jesus O’Reilly stands alone among mere mortals. It was I who was destined to be nailed to the cross made of his convictions. I will not be laughed at. Nor will I allow others to mock me for my beliefs. Here I stand, resolute in my convictions. I say to those of my loyal flock, render unto Murdoch that which is Murdoch’s.

I bid thee farewell.

Respectfully yours,

Bill "Jesus" O'Reilly
Former Host: O'Reilly Factor
FOX News

cc: John Gibson, FOX News

(This is parody. It is not to be misconstrued as a letter actually written by Bill “Jesus” O’Reilly no matter how much one might think it sounds like him.)


Kris Kringle (aka Santa) Meets the DHLS

Kris Kringle (aka Santa) Meets the DHLS

And it wasn't pretty.


Hail King George the 3rd

Hail King George the 3rd

Who but a king could proclaim his authority greater than the Constitution and the Amendments that soldiers are supposedly fighting and dying to protect in Iraq. King George has for all intensive purposes declared the 4th and 9th Amendments null and void.

Now if you believe that King George possess power to ignore or suspend the 4th and 9th Amendments, that would mean that he also possess the power to ignore or suspend the 2nd Amendment. And with the 4th Amendment out of service, the people won't have much of a defense as they their guns slip between their fingers.

I am really suprised that the Republicans are not more concerned about the disregard Bush has for the Constitution that he was sworn to protect. The irony is positively oppressive.

Still there are those that are not afraid to say what is on their minds. Recently Norm Ornstein said of Bush, "I think if we're going to be intellectually honest here, this really is the kind of thing that Alexander Hamilton was referring to when impeachment was discussed."

John Dean was overheard to say that Bush is "the first President to admit to an impeachable offense." Of course, these men should be ignored for they are clearly part of the "hate" Bush crowd. Well if they are not maybe they should be.

It is rather difficult to hear the words of Norm Ornstein and John Dean above the voices that call out for the death of Emmanuel Goldstein.


A Tale of Two Myths

A Tale of Two Myths

Friends and Foes

Friends and Foes

Perhaps my search skills are lacking as I tried to find information on the "Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign" on Jerry Falwell's own website, Jerry Falwell Ministries, but I didn't have any luck. This is the best I could do.

Of course, I love a little irony and the creation of Falwell's "Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign" provides it. What better way to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ than creating lists of those you consider to be his friend and foe. (A little Christian McCarthyism never hurt anyone.) Another festive way to remember the "Prince of Peace" as he is sometimes referred would be to initiate a "war" on his behalf. (Gee, it's like a seasonal mini crusades.)

Perhaps Jerry Falwell, Bill O'Reilly and John Gibson might be interested in discussing their "war" and lists with James Watkins. (scroll down to November 2005). Mr. Watkins has a few points that might cause these warriors some consternation.


Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

So, the "war" on Christmas continues. Now we see attacks taking place in shopping malls across the United States. Children are now in the crosshairs as they are corrupted by tales of a jolly fat man and his eight magical reindeer. It does appear that the tide is turning and defeat in the "war" on Christmas edges closer as parent succumb to the "magic" allowing their children to take pictures with Santa Claus.

All appears lost. Where is Jesus O'Reilly when you need him?


Horns of Plenty

Horns of Plenty

It does appear that those elephants that associated with Jack Abramoff are being investigate, indicted, reaching plea agreements and others going to trial. I would be remiss if I didn't mention all those politicians that are matching the donations once recieved from Jack Abramoff to give to charity.

Hunting Season

Hunting Season

Somebody in the DLC or the DNC needs to teach Harry Reid how to answer questions without obfuscating or inserting jokes that are not funny, poorly timed and or both. Which was the case when he was interviewed on FOX News by Chris Wallace.

Hey Harry, next time you are asked questions about Bush's comments that he "briefed members of congress" explain that 8 representatives sworn to secrecy, who were not permitted to talk to others hardly constitutes the president having briefed congress about the policy to disregard the Constitution and FISA rules.

You could always mention to the audience that when the 4th Amendment is usurped by the federal government, they are one step closer to the repeal of the 2nd Amendment.


P.A.T.R.I.O.T. and the Librarian

P.A.T.R.I.O.T. and the Librarian

It started out innocent enough. Their relationship was a quite secret the two kept. Until Librarian learned that Patriot was hiding something from her. She didn't realize that he was keeping a secret from her that would destroy their relationship. The secret that he had been hiding during their whirl-wind courtship, was he was also in love with Section 215.

Oh sure, Librarian was cute with her little librarian glasses, but no matter how hard she tried she was no match for Section 215 and her sultry curves. In the beginning Librarian was determined not to lose Patriot. She was willing to fight for what she believed in. When others came to her assistance she was worried that Patriot would lose interest in her. Then she met ACLU and the world around her looked brighter.

A change came over Patriot when he learned of Librarian and ACLU. Having Section 215 was not enough. He wanted more, he wanted Librarian too. And he would do anything in his power to get her. It was around this time she learned of the changes in Patriot's behavior. Others began to complain about his behavior. There was talk about how Patriot had become abusive to others. This news was devastating to Librarian. She decided to confront Patriot upon hearing of his change in behavior.

Little did Librarian realize what Section 215 had in store for her. Section 215 had convinced Patriot that Librarian was the root of all his problems.

And Patriot knows how to handle his problems...

Then, and (Even) Now

Then, and (Even) Now

On invading Iraq.
"Knowing what I know today, I’d make the decision again."
George W. Bush
December 12th, 2005

On Intel on WMD.
"It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong."
George W. Bush
December 14th, 2005




Boy what a difference a couple of days can make. One minute a cartoon is hot (or so I'd like to think). And the next thing you know, it goes cold.

Of course, there is still hope. I have one last fleeting chance for this cartoon to have some beneficial reward. This could be the cartoon that generates that first venomous hate filled response. (That's when I'll know I have arrived.)

Oh who am I trying to induce. It isn't like the Gaps refers singularly to the gap Condoleezza Rice has between her teeth. I mean, the larger Gaps existed between her denials and what had actually transpired.

Gaps I say...too many Gaps.

All eyes on me...

All eyes on me...

Bless Karen Hughes and her little propaganda heart. She learned the hard way that the propaganda that helped George Bush get elected in Texas and the White House doesn't go down as easy with our friends and allies in "old" Europe and the Middle East.

If the job of Karen Hughes was to sell a kinder, gentler version of the United States to the world, it looks like she might have had the opposite effect.




Good for measuring when...

Making the same mistake twice

It is amazing the twists and turns George Bush has gone to in an effort to rationalize the invasion of Iraq and explain away the conditions on the ground. It is getting to the point that he will say anything to win back the approval of the public. In the past week the president has made the final two speeches of four leading up to the December 15th election in Iraq.

A milestone is what Bush called it. And as every one knows, nobody pays attention to milestones because it is the final destination that is truly important. And when it comes to Iraq’s final destination we are not there yet. But I digress.

The excuses have evolved since the push to invade began. And on the eve of the Iraq elections Bush spoke to an overwhelmingly partisan audience at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. What makes this speech a little different from all the rest is Bush actually admitted that the intelligence gathered and used to justify his invasion of Iraq was faulty.

I suppose it is better late than never that he finally spoke truth to what a vast majority of the public already knew to be true. And after this bit of “news” he tried explaining that the intelligence was not improperly used by his administration in the run up to the war. (Of course, there has yet to be a formal investigation in the use of the intelligence leading up to his invasion of Iraq. Maybe there will actually be such an investigation. But don’t hold your breath.)

Of course, what makes the admission so intriguing is that not 3 days ago, Bush gave his third speech of four in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was on Monday that Bush said, “Knowing what I know today, I’d make the decision again” in response to a question about the invasion of Iraq. Is it possible that Bush learned that the intelligence he used to invade Iraq was faulty between his third and fourth speeches? Do you doubt it? I doubt it.

So, that got me to wondering if on the day of the third speech he actually read the text of the fourth speech? Who in their right mind says, “Knowing what I know now, I’d do the same thing” the day before admitting the intelligence you used to invade another country was faulty? Maybe the answer is found in the wording of the previous question. After all he is in his “right” (and by no means correct) mind.

Do his speechwriters and his handlers fail to see the inherent contradiction? Worse still, do they not see that Bush admitted that he would make the same mistakes again without thought or consequence to the lives of those serving in the military? Surely this is not evidence that Bush supports the troops.

Did the men and women serving in the military notice? It was pretty clear that Bush didn’t seem to notice. His supporters in the audience didn’t seem to notice. I believe that if members of his party did notice it, they don’t care.

Of course, I don’t really expect member of his party to notice or speak out of turn. And I don’t expect it from the Democrats either. They spend far too much time responding to charges leveled by the Republicans and forwarded by the MSM they can’t even come together to create a speakers list to do Bush any harm.

Tomorrow is a new day, and the mistakes in judgment that led to the current situation in Iraq will continue. It is a sad day when the commander and chief believes it is better to make the same mistake twice rather than admitting to having made a mistake in the first place.


Oh Canada...Oh Canada...

Oh Canada...Oh Canada...

This week I had one of those humbling experiences that you rarely admit to and talk about even less. This week I learned that I don't pay near enough attention to what is going on in Canada. I spend more time seeking news and information from the world over, except for what happens in Canada.

Of course, my lack of knowledge hasn't prevented me from looking upon Canadian politics from my black and white perspective. Only now am I realizing the potential my Canadian brethern provide. Of course, if not for the suggestion of a Canadian visitor to my blog, (she shall remain nameless at this time for her politics are her own) I might still be oblivious to Canadian politics. I am still not fully versed in the politcs of the four biggest parties of their government. I did give myself a quick "refresher" course to learn the players and some of the big ticket items that may be be discussed in the wonderfully short election cycle of 30 days. (If only the US election cycle were so short.)



Heavy Burden

Heavy Burden

Do you think that Ariel Sharon longs for the freedom of the pre-9/11 world?

Sharon started off the month of December by annnouncing that Israel "can't accept a situation where Iran has nuclear arms" and "is making all the necessary preparations to handle a situation like this."

So, I draw my cartoon to mark the occasion, and as I considered possible punch lines I learned that Sharon has apparently had a change of heart. According to Prime Minister Sharon's spokesman Ra'anan Gissin,"Israel has no intention of launching an attack against Iran, definitely not before all diplomatic options have been exhausted".

Well, I figured that things could be worse. I could still use the cartoon even if it wasn't as funny as I had hoped. But then something strange happened. Bush gave a speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Monday. (I am sure you heard all about it by now.) Well today he left the confines of his box and actually took (unscripted?) questions from the audience. A self confessed supporter asked "Do you feel that since invading Iraq, the threat of terrorism on U.S. soil has been reduced significantly?"

In the beginning of his response, Bush did his best to compare World War II and Iraq. He claimed that what has happened, and is happening in Iraq is analygous to what transpired in post-war Japan and Germany. (And to think, Bush earned a Bachelors Degree in History from Yale.) It was near the end of his answer, that Bush made what I believe to be an attempt to connect support for the war in Iraq with support for Isreal in the same manner he tried to connect Saddam Hussein and 9/11.

"If you're a supporter of Israel, I would strongly urge you to help other countries become democracies. Israel's long-term survival depends upon the spread of democracy in the Middle East."

Please draw you own your own conclusions.


Jesus O'Reilly

Jesus O'Reilly

He is leading the masses to the shopping malls too spread a little Christmas credit card debt among retailers who "bravely" use the phrase "Merry Christmas" to sell their wares. Jesus O'Reilly is leading the fight against those he says are waging "war" on Christmas. It is really something to see, Jesus O'Reilly has thrown away the ideals of pacificism for that of confrontation and exploitation by warning that he will use all the power that [he has] on radio and television to bring horror into the world of people that he believes "denigrate" the Christmas holiday. (I get goose bumps just thinking about this.)

So you doubt the powers that Jesus O'Reilly hath bestowed upon himself? Be amazed as you behold the words of Jesus O'Reilly as he "humbly" takes credit for the recent drop in gas prices across the United States in an exchange with Neil Cavuto:

CAVUTO: So wait a minute, you’re not, you’re taking credit for gas prices being down from where they are?

O’REILLY: I said my reporting and some reporting of others. They got scared.

So remember when you are celebrating this Holiday Season to give thanks to Jesus O'Reilly for driving down gasoline prices and defending Christmas from those promoting what he describes as a "secular progressive agenda."

Republican Christmas

Republican Christmas

In the "war" on Christmas it is good to see that the Republican Party is also fulfiling the role of the Christmas Grinch.


Lieberman's Cheap Shot

Lieberman's Cheap Shot

Joseph Lieberman recently returned from Iraq and espoused the party line, the Republican Party line on conditions in Iraq. I know, it is a terrible thing to politicize the invasion of Iraq. But what the hell, the administration does it, why can't you or I?

So, I was wondering what motivates guys like Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman to attack their own party? Do they covet that which the Bush administration possesses? When I drew the cartoon I hadn't yet heard that there is talk that Senator Lieberman is a possible replacement for Donald Rumsfeld.


The 'Leaning' Candidate

The 'Leaning' Candidate

Pictures are said to be worth a 1000 words. There is another saying about how ones actions speak louder than words. So as I figure it, between my cartoon and Hillary's recent decision to co-sponsor flag legislation can mean only one thing, she's started aligning herself with the issues that will help her get elected.




I know, I know, Bush isn't really stupid, he just comes across that way. Just so you know, I pondered various editorial quips to go with this cartoon. There was name recognition (Reggie v George), polling results (you don't hear "George and positive poll results" in the same sentence) and of course the president's occassional difficulties with speaking English to comment upon. I was really tempted to go with the problems with pronunciation and spell out Heisman to read "the He-is-man."

There is only so low one can go and I do have my standards.


Remember when...

Remember when...

Saddam Hussein was our ruthless ally during the Iran-Iraq War. Remember when...Donald Rumsfeld shook hands with Saddam Hussein in 1983.

I even remember when Saddam Hussein was contained in Iraq. My how things change after September 11th. I guess after September 11th everything previously said about Iraq was flushed down the memory hole.

Sole-less Men

Sole-less Men

Half of the fun in drawing the cartoons is coming up with titles to go with them. Sometimes the title is even more fun to come up with than the actual cartoon. With that said, ideally I would hope that everyone would see the humor and enjoy a play on words that I try to incorporate into my titles. Then what usually happens is I think about what my mother often says to me, that I have my father's sick sense of humor.

I hope that my humor isn't to shallow or sick for those that visit. Sometimes I wonder if it isn't shallow or sick enough.


Claus and Hooves

Claus and Hooves

What a difference a year can make.

This same time last year the members of P.E.S.T. fired the first salvo in what is now referred to as the "war" on Christmas. These P.E.S.T.'s where employing a different set of talking points to make their case that somehow Christmas was slowly disappearing from the social landscape. Those that profess to fight against the "social engineering" which promotes ethnic diversity, social medicine are all to ready to throw aside this (deeply held?) belief when they promulgate their policies of social engineering as it pertains to their love of "war." (War. Now there is a social engineering practice that has impacted generations of U.S. families.)

Now that I am insurgent in the war on Christmas I decided to post a short essay that I wrote last year regarding Christmas and what was then referred to as the "left" trying to remove Christ from Christmas. It is rather disturbing to note the change in the rhetoric from last year to today. What a difference a year can make.

Christmas: Is it religious or secular? (Or Fable v. Fable)

Ah, yet another Christmas season is upon us. And what would Christmas be without a little controversy. There are those that argue that Christmas is about the celebration of Christ’s birth and that there is a portion of the society, referred to as the “left” that seeks to remove Christ from Christmas.

Now I suppose that I could accept that Christmas is just about Christ and is being usurped by the “left.” But before I can start blaming the “left” for what ails society I have a few questions that need to be addressed.

If I am to accept that Christmas is all about Christ, why would I as a devote Christian tolerate the idol worship of one by the name of Santa Claus? And surely as any good Christian I could not tolerate the telling of fables to children in which Santa Claus keeps a list of those naughty and nice to give presents. Nothing says religious holiday like a bearded old man who uses magical reindeer to fly around the world to deliver presents to all the boys and girls who have been good.

Another point of contention that would cause me great concerned if Christmas were just a religious holiday. There is something wrong with knowing that moneychangers across the country celebrate Christ’s birth by cashing-in with the hope and desire of increasing their yearly profits by 50 percent. What better way to acknowledge Christ’s birth than with a little holiday irony?

How is it that you celebrate the birth of Christ in December when he is supposed to be an autumn baby? Would not an autumn birth really devalue the whole notion that Christmas in December is truly a religious celebration?

I wonder how many Christians who are quick to point fingers at others for the removal of Christ from Christmas are equally complicit? How many of those concerned with pointing accusatory fingers at others are themselves enriching the moneychangers? Or share with their children stories of the magic of Santa Claus “and his eight tiny reindeer?”

Now it makes sense why some would express concern with the removal of religious imagery from Christmas, as it is often the ones that live in glass houses that cast the first stone.





'Cutting and Running'

'Cutting and Running'




From the looks of things I am faced with an uphill battle against the members of P.E.S.T. I will of course do my level best to take the fight to the enemy. I'd ask you to pray for me but it is clear that P.E.S.T. has Falwell who we all know channels god nearly as well as Pat Robertson and George Bush.

Seasons Greetings!