P.A.T.R.I.O.T. and the Librarian

P.A.T.R.I.O.T. and the Librarian

It started out innocent enough. Their relationship was a quite secret the two kept. Until Librarian learned that Patriot was hiding something from her. She didn't realize that he was keeping a secret from her that would destroy their relationship. The secret that he had been hiding during their whirl-wind courtship, was he was also in love with Section 215.

Oh sure, Librarian was cute with her little librarian glasses, but no matter how hard she tried she was no match for Section 215 and her sultry curves. In the beginning Librarian was determined not to lose Patriot. She was willing to fight for what she believed in. When others came to her assistance she was worried that Patriot would lose interest in her. Then she met ACLU and the world around her looked brighter.

A change came over Patriot when he learned of Librarian and ACLU. Having Section 215 was not enough. He wanted more, he wanted Librarian too. And he would do anything in his power to get her. It was around this time she learned of the changes in Patriot's behavior. Others began to complain about his behavior. There was talk about how Patriot had become abusive to others. This news was devastating to Librarian. She decided to confront Patriot upon hearing of his change in behavior.

Little did Librarian realize what Section 215 had in store for her. Section 215 had convinced Patriot that Librarian was the root of all his problems.

And Patriot knows how to handle his problems...


Blogger Alex said...

"Oh sure, Librarian was cute with her little librarian glasses..."

I'm rather partial to all things cute, little, and librarian-related. Mmmm... librarian!

12/18/2005 8:01 AM  
Blogger Damien said...

Next their going to start another house of un-american activities inquiry.

12/18/2005 1:52 PM  
Blogger M A F said...


Glad I could be of assistance.


I was under the impression that Bush was already conducting those investigations secretly. Check out the coverage of the Pentagon's collecting information on US citizens.

12/18/2005 4:15 PM  

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