Feeling Rush Limbaugh's Pain

Limbaugh's Pain
What a sweet-heart deal! 18 months of probation, a $30,000 dollar fine (aka: "court costs") and a substance abuse class and he'll never have to worry about being purged from Florida's roll of registered voters. Limbaugh got one of the best agreements money can buy in Florida's justice system. Just ask Roy Black his attorney,
"With anybody in this position who found themselves addicted to pain medication, it is really unfair to prosecute them or to make some sort of a big case out of it. The idea is to help the person overcome the addiction."
I think that the best comment that I have come across regarding Limbaugh, and feeling his pain comes from Kendall Coffey, a former U.S. attorney and prominent Miami defense lawyer, "This is a dismissal of the charge ... representing, in affect, a win for the defense."
Let us all feel sorry for Limbaugh for be coming addicted to presciption medication, that he obtained by illegal means. There is absolutely no comparison between Limbaugh and those addicted to illegal drugs.
Hmmm. I know there is a connection there somewhere...if I could just put my finger on it. Another one of those distinctions without a difference, I do believe.
The hypocrisy of Black's statement is nauseating:
"...it is really unfair to prosecute them or to make some sort of a big case out of it. The idea is to help the person overcome the addiction."
These "hang 'em high," law-and-order conservatives are suddenly compassionate when the addict is one of their own, Rush Limbaugh.
Will they show the same level of understanding with a crack, crystal meth, or heroin addict?
I think not...
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