Iran's Front-man

I will take inspiration from where ever I can find it, and as it pertains to this latest cartoon, my inspiration (and growing appreciation) comes from the website Watching America that I discovered through Jurassic Pork. Rest assured, there is more to this post than just blog-whoring.
Over at Watching America I read an interesting story about Iran, the Mullahs and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Bush is making a concerted effort to focus all the nations (the worlds) attention upon Ahmadinejad by comparing him to Adolf Hitler, at the expense of the Mullahs of Iran. According to an article in Liberation (yeah, in France)
It is possible that Iran's strategy is centered on the concept of appeasement, once it completes the necessary technological steps to master nuclear technology...Iran's nuclear strategy utterly escapes the Iranian president. Ahmadinejad carries no weight in Iran's nuclear program, but the mullahs have taken him in and given him a role.While Bush rails on about the extremist desires of Ahmadinejad to attack Israel the Mullahs are able to watch as
Ahmadinejad and his torrent of rhetoric have contributed to a personification of the crisis and have promoted the idea in the West...that the new president is responsible for all this.As the Bush administration puts an effort into turning Ahmadinejad into the reincarnation of Hitler, Bush looks like the little boy who cried wolf, which clearly benefits the Mullahs of Iran. While Ahmadinejad is "attracting the thunder of the Western world to himself" the Mullahs can safely pursue the quest for nuclear power, if not nuclear weapons and Ahmadinejad's replacement.
The article concludes that
The Islamic system has already begun to prepare for Ahmadinejad's succession. And it is entirely possible that the Western world will be so pleased to have him replaced, that it will concern itself only with appearances.This strategy might work for the Mullahs. Afterall the Bush administration demonstrated itself to be concerned with appearances over substance as it sold the invasion of Iraq to the people of Oceania.
I put forth the following question to the half-dozen regular readers and those who have found me by other means:
What are the chances that the people of Oceania will rally behind the great "Decider" hell bent on fighting "two wars"?
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